鄂伦春族是中国东北部地区人口最少的少数民族之一,是狩猎民族,因此他们的衣食住行及歌舞等方面都显示了狩猎民族特点。 主要居住在大兴安岭山林地带,使用鄂伦春语 ,鄂伦春语属阿尔泰语系—通古斯语族通古斯语支,没有文字。 在长期的狩猎生产和社会实践中,鄂伦春人创造了丰富多彩的精神文化,有口头创作、音乐、舞蹈、造型艺术等 。
The least populous minority in the northeast of Chinese, is national hunting. Live mainly in the Greater Khingan Range mountain area, the use of Oroqen language, in the long-term hunting production and social practice, the people have created rich and colorful cultural spirit.
鄂伦春是一个讲唱文学十分发达的民族,包括传说、故事、神话、谚语、谜语、歌谣、笑话、歇后语等。长篇讲 唱文学“摩苏昆”是鄂伦春族民间文学的珍品。“摩苏昆”以说唱结合的形式,讲唱“莫日根”的英雄故事和苦难的身世,可以讲唱数天或数 十天。“摩苏昆”的语言流畅、押韵、精练、朴实,曲调起伏变化不大,非常悦耳动听,带有浓郁的民族传统韵味。
Oroqen is a highly developed nation telling and singing literature, including legends, stories, myths, proverbs, riddles, songs, jokes, allegorical sayings. A talking and singing literature "Mo Su Kun" is the treasures of folk literature.